IMH Products is a trusted source for traffic control cabinet enclosures manufacturing, with a wide range of enclosure options including various cabinet types, mounting options, accessories, and materials. All traffic control enclosures are designed to seamlessly suit their context and meet traffic control regulations.
Traffic control cabinet enclosures are critial parts of infrastructure in cities and along highways. A high-quality traffic control enclosure begins with high-quality materials. We manufacture traffic control enclosure cabinets out of several types of steel and aluminum to ensure long-lasting quality every time.
Overall, these enclsoures also must adhere to strict standards and regardless of shape. These standards are the same across the nation and established by the Federal Highway Administration. As a result, each cabinet must be able to house the following:
- Power Supply
- Central Processor Unit Module
- Field input/Output Interface Module
- FSK Modem Module
- RS232 Serial Ports Module
- Fiber Transceiver Module
- Front Panel (User Interface)
Above all, our traffic control cabinet enclosure manufacturing products are rigorously quality-tested. This ensures that we can be sure the customer is happy with every purchase.

IMH Traffic Control Cabinet Enclosure Advantages
- Understanding and execution of regulations at all levels.
- High-quality materials that perfectly suit the context of the enclosure.
- Competitive pricing without compromise.
- Tried and tested components that guarantee success.
- Optional accessories that customize an enclosure to optimize performance.
- A variety of mounting options to ensure convenient placement in any traffic situation.
Get Your Traffic Control Enclosure Cabinets From Us
With decades of experience combined with the latest technology, we are capable of providing quality you can be sure of. We will walk you through every step of the way, from navigating regulations to choosing accessories that elevate your enclosure. No matter your enclosure need, we are prepared to assist you.
If you are looking for a trusted manufacturer of traffic control enclosures, start your conversation with us today to see how we can help.